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Helicopter Landing Officer
Jan 30, 2023
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Training Overview

This program HLO program is designed to provide all offshore and shore-based personnel employed within an oil / gas specific industry as a Helicopter Landing Officer with a basic understanding of the hazards and mitigation controls associated with working around helicopters on a helideck while deployed at sea. The program will provide training specific to offshore emergency response procedures and equipment and meets the requirements as listed in the: Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) Atlantic Canada Offshore Petroleum Industry: Standard Practice for the Training and Qualifications of Personnel; Mandatory Safety Training for All Petroleum Installations; and Personal Safety Training.

Training Duration & Timings

Approximately 8 hours of training. Classes run from 0800 to 1630 (time can be altered if necessary). Trainees absent from any component of the program will not be issued a certification until they have completed all requirements.


A valid  a valid Offshore Fire Team (OFT) or MED B2 and at least six (6) months prior experience in helideck operations on an offshore installation or vessel.